Atlas Earth Announcements

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Atlas Earth Announcements

March 18, 2024

Posted By:
Mod Mak

Hello everyone, here is the week‘s minigame schedule (so far—more on that later):

Racer: Tues, Mar 19, 6-8pm CT
: Thurs, Mar 21, 6-8pm CT

Fishing and Warship are both being worked on, so they can‘t officially be in the lineup, just in case something goes wrong. However, we‘ve got a release planned for some time this week that should make it so that we can have one more minigame event. If/when that happens, I‘ll let y‘all know.

Also, yes, the events this week are 2 hours long instead on 2.5, that is on purpose. We‘ve made some changes and they have made it so that events are always a number of full hours long, no halvsies. We decided to do 2 hours, but if you would prefer 3 you can say so in the feedback-discussion channel.

March 13, 2024

Posted By:
Mod Mak

Tonight, Canada joins the Atlas universe. Midnight CT, Atlas Earth hits Canadian app stores. Let‘s make folks feel welcome!

March 11, 2024

Posted By:
Mod Mak

I feel like Scooby Doo over here, popping in and out of doorframes.

Super Rent Boost event this week, brought to you by the Atlas Merchant Platform and our three lovely new merchants! This will be a 50x boost event and it will run from 4pm on Thursday to midnight on Friday (32 hours total, as usual). Stay boosted!

Posted By:
Mod Mak

We‘ve got new additions to the Atlas Merchant Platform! Please welcome Solo Stove, Rosetta Stone, and Liquid IV!

Please note these are online-only merchants, so transaction processing times are slightly different. Still, free AB is free AB, amirite?

Posted By:
Mod Mak

We got minigames!

Racer: Tuesday, Mar 12 (tomorrow), 68:30pm CT
: Thursday, Mar 14, 68:30pm CT
: Sunday, Mar 17, 12-6pm CT

As you can see, still no Warship. Cue the spaghetti riot. It‘s coming, still needs some fine-tuning. And speaking of fine-tuning, Bowling has officially entered the testing stage! So that‘ll be coming soon to a minigame event near you as well.

It was brought to my (and our) attention that Sunday‘s event both started and ended an hour late; this was due to the time change with Daylight Savings and all that jazz. Rookie mistake, we‘re very sorry about that. Doing our best to prevent it from happening again.

But have fun with the minigames this week!

Posted By:
Mod Mak

Greetings, citizens of Atlas! For some time, we have been receiving requests to recognize more cities on our map so that they have a mayor and a badge, or reports that the city limits for one city or another are incorrect. Well, starting tomorrow around 10am CT, we‘re recognizing a bunch more cities and redrawing some city limits on our maps!

This long-awaited move will require a maintenance window to complete; the game will be down from 6-10am tomorrow.

Any new mayors will be notified of their positions (and anyone whose mayorship changes hands due to redistricting will receive a notification as well).


March 5, 2024

Posted By:
Mod Mak

Hey hey, this is what the minigame schedule looks like this week:

Racer: Tuesday, Mar 5 (today), 68:30pm CT
: Thursday, Mar 7, 68:30pm CT
: Sunday, Mar 10, 12-6pm CT

The team is finagling some things with Warship behind the scenes, so it‘s off the roster for the week. Have fun with the classics!

February 27, 2024

Posted By:
Mod Mak

We’re doing a Super Rent Boost this week! It will be a 32 hour, 50x event, starting 4pm on Thursday and running until midnight on Friday, sponsored by Vivid Seats ( Check ’em out! In fact, check ’em out on the Atlas Merchant Platform, we’ve recently added some new online-exclusive merchants!!!

Posted By:
Mod Mak

Minigame schedule, hot off the presses:

Racer: Tuesday, Feb 27 (today), 6-8:30pm CT
Fishing: Thursday, Feb 29, 6-8:30pm CT
Golf: Sunday, Mar 3, 12-6pm CT

No Warship this week, just the orig trig. We’re gonna try 3 games/week, switching off which 3 games those are depending on the week. If you have thoughts on that, you can put them in one of the minigame channels, in, or you can DM a mod

February 23, 2024

Posted By:
Mod Mak

Hi gang, clearly there was a miscommunication again about when Golf was supposed to be happening. On behalf of Atlas Reality, I apologize for the inconvenience. We‘re revising our protocols to prevent this from happening anymore.

February 20, 2024

Posted By:
Mod Mak

Minigames for the week:

Racer: Tuesday Feb 20 (today), 68:30pm CT
: Friday Feb 23, 68:30pm CT
: Sunday Feb 25, 12-6pm CT

No Fishing this time. We‘ll get to four games a week but we‘re not quite there yet